2024 enrolLment is open (limited spots)



The world needs you, start HERE ⬇️

Feeling the stress of a disjointed system in your mental health practice? Whether it's anxiety about giving your clients lasting results, finding more customers profitably, or simply keeping on top of your own emotions as an empathetic practitioner.. something needs to change.


  • Get Proven Results.. 98% program completion rate and a 93% organic client referral rate to allow easy growth

  • Implement Clear Processes.. that help you manage client roles and responsibilities (no more burn out and stalled progress)

  • Plug & Play Turn-key Scaling.. through our time-tested marketing funnel systems and lead generation strategies

  • Structured timelines.. that helps your client overcome self-deception head on, lower their barriers, and sustain their effort to completion

Featured in:

Calling all therapists & mental health providers,

You joined this profession for a reason. This work is a choice and one that often comes at an expense to your personal life and finances. 

We get it. The world needs you and you need a solution to scale your practice, serve with integrity and enhance client results.

The mental health crisis is rising. For years, we were told that access to mental health services was the problem. Now with widespread telehealth programs and apps, we have proof - it’s not the solution and it compromises the integrity of the therapeutic container (not to mention financially preys on therapists who make very little per client).

You’re likely experiencing burnout on some level. If you work for a group practice, you might be comfortable but you’re nowhere near the financial goals or freedom you dream about. If you’re trying to go it alone, you’ve likely run into issues with marketing, lead generation and may feel at an impasse with how to get to the next level.

And let’s definitely address the COACH 🐘 in the room…

You’ve seen coaches thrive financially without any restrictions on what they can and can’t do in the online space. Have you thought to yourself, how can I do something like this without compromising my integrity and ethical standards?

Meet Break Method. An NASW- accredited certification for mental health providers. We are a systems-apporach to emotional repatterning that follows a logic-based, process oriented approach.

Therapists describe Break Method as an algorithm that aggregates all of your therapeutic knowledge, experience and observation into a streamlined and efficient application that has a 98% completion rate and 93% organic referral rate.

What does that mean for you? Serving clients effectively, in shorter periods of time with significantly higher completion rates, with each client becoming a living referral generating machine and all without compromising your integrity. This process ensures consistent, data analytics-backed and sustainable results for your clients.

🔑 Are you ready for the key to unlock the next level in your practice?

Adding Break Method to your practice helps you go from..

❌ battling compassion fatigue and burning out with clients.

✅ to crystal clear role differentiation that helps the client understand their role in the therapeutic process limiting stalling or sabotaging the process

❌ clients directing the flow of the therapy process with their own emotions, stories or inability to accurately self-report.

✅ to a system strategically built to bypass client self-deception and efficiently extract meaningful data tied the the input / out relationships generating their negative emotional cycles and behavior

❌ feeling frustrated by not seeing a light at the end of the tunnel in your therapy practice. Still trading your time for dollars in a disjointed system that isn’t capable of scale.

✅ to using our turn-key client-facing therapeutic process and backend marketing systems to achieve scale and efficient client results

what are the clear signs of a disjointed system?

things like..

  • Neglecting your own personal needs and facing burnout with client sessions and stress while trying to grow the business.

  • Struggling with reluctant patients and breaking down their barriers while maintaining clear relationship boundaries.

  • Overwhelm with the emotional weight of your empathy with client's distress as you help them heal.

  • Feeling like you might not be providing the level of care you know your clients deserve.

  • Fears of failure or losing clients which is leaving you anxious about the future of your practice.

🤔 Imagine you had double the clients right now with the systems you use..

Could you handle the demand? Would it be too stressful to manage?

Or are you left thinking "How would I physically be able to do this?"


clear processes

that helps you manage client roles and responsibilities - this means no more burn out and stalled progress

solid boundaries

that stop the 'client venting' with clear role differentiation that allows you to create meaningful change in your clients.

structured timelines

that helps your client overcome self-deception head on, lower their barriers, and sustain their effort to completion

proven results

with our sequence that has a 98% program completion rate and a 93% organic client referral rate to allow easy growth

increased reach

by confidently entering the online space, carving out your ideal niche, and becoming a scalable business without compromising integrity

turn-key scaling

through our time-tested marketing funnel systems and lead generation strategies that you can plug and play into your practice

complacency is the enemy of a thriving practice 👇

We train mental health professionals like yourself to shift how they help clients using Break Method.

This allows you to find balance, overcome burnout, and achieve sustainable growth as a Certified Practitioner with a high level of effectiveness and scalability

WITHOUT breaking the bank

WITHOUT compromising the integrity of your practice

WITHOUT cutting corners or giving your clients LESS

clients & graduates share their experience:

Therapists, administrators and clients agree, Break Method is the sustainable rewiring tool that gets results efficiently and at scale. The process of Break Method speeds up rapport building and helps you address the core issues quickly and effectively.


"Through this system it makes it so much easier to have the support from Bizzie and the team.. Break did change my life"


"We've engaged in protocols like this in the past.. my assumption was more the same. It was much better. They engage the material at a much deeper level"


"This program gave me my life back.

Finding that one day at a time has been the biggest gift. I want everyone to have it, everyone deserves it."

still have questions?

book your free advisor call

Have questions? Not sure how to take the first step? Our team of program graduates are looking forward to helping. Advisor calls are free and will give you all the information you need to determine the next step. Let's get you booked.

here's what practitioner certification includes:

  • 30 CE (Continuing Education) in-person and online course portal for home study portion (lectures, downloadable content, support) accredited by the NASW

  • 30 hours in-person LIVE instructional weekends of training with me and my expert team at our HQ in Sandpoint, ID (session 1 is October 16-18, 2024 and session 2 is February 5-7, 2025)

  • Full-access to Break Method Online Program complete with Behavior Strategy and Client Support Sessions (to be completed at the beginning of the Practitioner Program)

  • In-Person Graduation Weekend includes: Final Assessment, Practitioner Presentation and Socratic Method Diagnostic Discussion

  • Includes first 12 months of licensing and portal access to our turn-key marketing funnels and systems to scale your practice.

what if you could scale without worrying that you're sacrificing client results?

You can hit the RESET button on your therapy practice and start to scale it in a sustainable way while providing clients with a results-driven, logic-based process that has a 98% completion rate and a 93% organic client referral rate.

results-driven & sustainable growth

Instead of crossing the ethical barrier of holding onto clients for too long, Break Method allows you to serve more clients in a shorter time. With a 98% program completion rate and a 93% organic client referral rate, you'll be facilitating ground-breaking client sessions with clear goals and systems.

built to outsmart client self-deception

Break method as a protocol is built sequentially with a clear process to help your clients overcome the roadblocks of stalling or self deception.

It allows them to get to the end of their therapy faster and more efficiently, to actually close the healing loop.

a certification that's backed by experts

Our certification is NASW-accredited and endorsed by well-known PH.Ds, M.D's, industry experts, and more.

Break Method is an effective, proven addition to add to your practice's toolkit, allowing you to serve more clients better in integrity with your values.

"I support the inclusion of Gold's Break Method intervention in a list of evidence-based practices. Given my experience and training in the field of psychology, as well as my personal observation of Gold's work in workshops, keynote speeches in addition to having shared clients, I believe the Break Method approach provides substantial benefits to those who participate in it. I have seen this impact in multiple settings and believe there is more than enough evidence that this method is effective for those who employ it. This method offers a personalized approach for many who suffer from trauma and associated mental health struggles including insecure attachment, anxiety and codependency among many others."


dr. Adi Jaffe, Ph.D.

Founder of IGNTD

The Sustainable END To “See You Next Week.”

When a client doesn’t understand the timeline, process or container for their goals – they can burn out, become distracted or let their protective mechanisms trick them into evading the work.

Break Method provides a strategic blend of online education, diagnostic sessions and behavior strategy in a set sequence with distinct and measurable goals. This keeps your clients engaged and actively working until they cross the finish line.

The best part, clients finally break the cycle of the healing loop and heal for good. Don’t worry, a healed client is a walking referral for more clients - this is the KEY to scaling.

We need to release the old paradigm of scarcity that allows a client stay in the therapeutic container for lengthy periods that create emotional and financial codependency. We will teach you to do this and do it well.

Hear from our clients that have experienced Break 👇

Break Method IS NOT:

  • A shortcut that compromises your integrity

  • dependent on your client accurately self-reporting 

  • built to facilitate trauma-bonding or putting the therapist on a dangerous pedestal

  • open-ended or free form - our process and structure is the key to results

  • a work-around or bypass - it's a key to go through the issues

Hear from our clients that have experienced Break 👇

Break Method IS..

  • a fast-acting, practical approach to emotional rewiring

  • a science-based protocol that uses structured self-inquiry

  • a sustainable approach that does not cultivate financial or emotional codependence

  • a lifelong toolkit that empowers your clients to become generational chain-breakers ( & organic referral machines )

  • a repeatable, logic-based process that allows you to scale your practice without compromising ethical integrity


Emotional Repatterning with Break Method can be utilized for individuals, couples, teens and family systems in one-on-one or group therapy settings. Break Method has been taught in therapeutic residential programs, prison programs, veteran support groups, Fortune 100 and 500 companies, and numerous non-profit settings as well as being integrated into the literature of SIRA, Self-Injury Recovery Anonymous.



Would You Recommend Break?


what led you to break?


describe the teaching style

"I believe that Break Method is the answer we've been waiting for to transform our mental health crisis for the better.

When I completed Break

Method myself, I was encouraged by how many fellow graduates are medical and mental health providers, not only benefiting from the course but also bringing it into their own practices with amazing results."


rachel barber, msn, rn, fnp-c

"I can honestly say, Break Method has been the most valuable professional training in my career as a Physician and Board Certified Addiction Specialist.

Since integrating Break Method into my practice, I am able to find meaning, solutions and progress in every patient encounter, and offer tangible tools to patients and clients. I am able to see with crystal clarity into complex patterns that once seemed impossible to navigate from an academic behavioral science lens and support their interruption. I am truly grateful to Bizzie and the Break Method, and in awe of all the lives this work has and will touch."


dr rashiah elam, md

"As a retired US Army healthcare administrator, I've experienced many defense programs intending to build soldiers' emotional regulation skills and mental resilience. Being a soldier is a stressful life and billions of defense dollars are spent on mental health. I have no doubt if Break Method were to be adopted by Army mental health providers, service members would experience less suffering and more self-empowerment, in addition to saving millions of dollars in ineffective treatments. Yes, Break Method is that powerful."


Jim Fuller, MS, MA, Lieutenant Colonel US Army

take a look into our certification process:

stage 1:

our team will welcome you to the certification program

Gain immediate access to our comprehensive training program, setting the foundation for your practitioner training. Our dedicated customer support team is here to assist you every step of the way and welcome you through your journey to certification.

stage 2:

going through the break method modules

Immerse yourself in the client facing experience before you become certified to deliver it to clients. This kicks off your personal journey to completion. We recommend you complete at least half of the content before our first in-person weekend to gain the best momentum. Our break team will be on-hand to support you any time.

stage 3:

join immersive in-person live trainingS and practice

Your LIVE in-person training sessions introduce you to the practitioner facing view of all Break Method concepts and diagnostic tools. Both sessions are required for graduation. Session 1 will be held October 16-18, 2024 and Session 2 will be held February 5-7, 2025.

stage 4:

mastering call structures & reviewing case studies

As we prepare for the second in-person weekend together, you'll be completing the remaining online modules, putting your magnifying glass over every call structure we teach you, including diving deep into 40 real client case studies and instructional notes for each one.

stage 5:

in-person graduation presentation and live assesment

For your in-person graduation you will be preparing a full on-stage client presentation delivered in front of your peers. Look forward to the intensity of a Socratic method discussion centered around Break Method diagnostic principles on 6 case study characters. Then, you'll complete your final assessment test, which requires 93% or more to pass. This in-person weekend will be held February 5-7, 2025.

stage 6:

implement our turn-key marketing systems

After graduation you'll have access to our turn-key lead generation and marketing systems that are proven to help you scale your practice, book more clients, and create more impact and income in your life. Along with this you will also have access to our team who will consult you on dialling in your niche and using the system. You will also hear about our offers to let us take care of your online paid advertising and lead generation completely for you.

How many more lives could you be changing if you had the right system to grow your practice?

This isn’t a fantasy, this is possible as a certified Break Method practitioner.

You’ll take your skills and multiply them to take your practice to a new level.

Let us help you serve more people in an efficient, scalable way, while increasing completion rates and reducing burnout.

Implementing Break Method and our turn-key system will allow you help more clients in a sustainable, enjoyable way. You’ll be able to focus on serving with heart, helping clients through to completion, and creating the financial vision for the business.

the world needs you.

youR PRACTICE needS break.

here's what practitioner certification includes:

  • 30 CE (Continuing Education) in-person & online course portal for home study portion (lectures, downloadable content, support) accredited by the NASW

  • 30 hours in-person LIVE instructional weekends of training with me and my expert team at our HQ in Sandpoint, ID

  • Full-access to Break Method Online Program complete with Behavior Strategy and Client Support Sessions (to be completed at the beginning of the Practitioner Program)

  • In-Person Graduation Sessions include: Client-Mock Interview, Final Assessment, Practitioner Presentation and Socratic Method Discussion to defend and debate 6 case studies

  • Includes first 12 months of licensing and portal access to our turn-key marketing funnels and systems to scale your practice.

Spaces are limited. We train and certify two cohorts per year. Please prepare to spend 4-6 weeks moving through your own Break Method client-facing work prior to the first LIVE training. We suggest that practitioners-in-training complete Module 1 before attending.

Before Break Method, I believed I was a hopeless case. I'd spent years bouncing from one self-help method to another searching for answers. When I found Break, I realised that this was the first time I was actually being asked the right questions.

The work is profound, which is why it can't be easy. Break really does break you wide open but you have to be willing to dismantle all those walls and shed those layers that have kept you feeling so comfortably unhappy for so long.


mona b

I wish I had Break Method years ago. I've spent too much time, energy and money trying to help myself with other programs or coaches. Thank you Bizzie Gold for showing us how to do it ourselves in a sustainable way and keeping us accountable.

Trust me, I wanted to quit many times during the program but my facilitator stayed on me. I wouldn't have finished without her accountability and support. Thank you to the Break team. I feel empowered with this information and ready to conquer life in a whole new way. Watch out world.


toni b

Break Method reaIlly sheds light on all the daily actions you take on auto-pilot. It helps you understand what you choose and why you act or react in a certain way. Armed with more self-awareness and a deeper self-knowledge, it teaches you tools to make long lasting changes in any area of your life.

As you apply these concepts, you gain back power over your life and understand your responsibility in your own happiness. Break Method helps you do all of this with the support of a community of peers and facilitators, so you're not alone on this journey.


erika b

Break has the components that make spiritual and emotional transformation tangible and productive in day to day life. It has been a missing piece for me in years of working on myself. It is structured, incremental, and there is great support for real change that affects every single aspect of your life for the better. It's very powerful for partners to do together - a shared language and process of change and growth while also working on themselves individually. I cannot recommend Break enough.


sara g

It's a miracle. Before I started break, I felt so helpless + confused. I felt like I had tried everything and constantly had to rely on external forces in order to feel "Better." The course content is so interesting that I could honestly study it over and over again and never get bored. I rave about break to all of my friends and feel like I have finally come home to myself. Break is hands down the best gift I ever could have given myself.



Bizzie Gold - Chief Behavior Strategist & Founder

meet the founder

Bizzie Gold is founder of Break Method as well as a best-selling author, podcast host and keynote speaker. She sits on the Board of Advisors for SIRA - Self-Injury Recovery Anonymous, in addition to teaching Break Method at a residential therapeutic school for teen girls.

Since founding Break Method in 2014, she has been invited to present at some of the most prestigious wellness institutes including Omega Institute, Kripalu and 1440 Multiversity. Gold has also appeared on The Dr. Oz Show, TODAY, E!, Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post among others to discuss her unique approach to rapid emotional repatterning.

all your questions answered

Is this certification accredited? Will I receive a CE?

Yes. We are accredited by the NASW. You will receive 2 CE's for each live session. 

What credentials do I need to register for certification?

Certification is open to all therapists, social workers, professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, addiction specialists and peer counselors with 3+ years of experience. We also accept MD, ND, DO, NP and RNs with at least 2 years of specialty or focus in mental health or addiction medicine. Coaches and Break Method Graduates will be considered on a case by case basis with at least 3 years in practice. If you are unsure if your credentials qualify you for this course, please email: admin@breakmethod.com with your CV and request to approve. 

Do I have to attend all of the LIVE sessions?

Yes. If you need to miss your cohort's graduation session you can simply graduate with the next cohort. Trainings happen at least twice per year. You will not forfeit your training investment and your place will be held in the next session to ensure you graduate as quickly as possible.

How many hours per week will I need to set aside for course work during the online modules?

Lectures are pre-recorded and can be watched at a pace that works for your learning style. You'll have approximately 12 weeks to complete the lecture series. Lectures typically last anywhere from 25-60 minutes. Be prepared to complete and additional 6-8 hours per week on workbook exercises and other at-home Break Method tools.

How is this different from other modalities I use in my practice or may have tried personally?

Break Method® pairs the power of data-analytics with a logic-based structure to help clients rewire their emotional responses sustainably. Break Method® uses a set sequence built to prevent client self-deception and self-sabotage. The methodology also prevents practitioner burnout with clear role differentiation that empowers the client to actively participate in their rewiring experience. The average length of a client program is 24-36 weeks and the results clients experience are sustainable.

What if I'm not very tech savvy?

We have a support team on board to help you. With your certification registration, you get access to our administrator for tech support and questions and a guidance counselor to help you with anything from site navigation to breaking through self-sabotage and scheduling roadblocks.

Will I be tested to graduate?

The Graduation Session includes a cumulative assessment test. Passing this tests with a 90% or above is required for certification. Your Practicum Client Session submissions are reviewed by a team of 5 to ensure accurate and fair assessment. If you do not pass your assessment or practicum during Session 2, you will be able to redo your mock-client interview and assessment for a fee of $299. You can attempt your graduation requirement as many times as you'd like. 

What is covered by the Course Fee?

The course fee covers 6 days of in-person instruction ( blend of livestream and live), 60 hours of online learning, 5 Practicum Sessions submitted for review and feedback, 5 1:1 sessions on Zoom and the first year of your license fee. 

 Will I need to sign a license agreement to become a Break Method® certified practitioner?

Yes. Our license agreement will be sent out within 2 weeks of first training for you to have ample time to review. You are able to cancel your agreement at any time. However, when you terminate your agreement with Break Method®, you will no longer be able to utilize the tools, sequence, marketing materials, name or likeness or online marketing portal. At any time in the future, should you choose to reactivate, a predetermined amount will be due to reactivate your license.

Are there license fees associated with becoming a Break Method® practitioner?

Yes. The annual fee is $1500, waived the first year. This fee includes access to 1 in-person CEU event per year (required to maintain status), listing and promotion on our website and the ability to opt-into working for Break Method as a Behavior Strategist.  You will need to carry your own liability insurance to be considered a licensor. 

Where do I fly in for training?

You will fly into GEG - Spokane International Airport. You will need to rent a car or book a Turo. The drive is approximately 75 minutes. 

Hotel Recommendations:

We recommend Best Western - to book using our discounted group rate please send an email to admin@breakmethod.com. If you're looking for luxury, book at SEASONS. Sandpoint is a beautiful place to visit year round. Extend your stay and enjoy hiking, skiing at Idaho's largest ski resort or lake life during the Summer months.

we're here to answer your questions

Our entire staff is comprised of Break Method graduates. This means, whoever you speak to, you’ll be greeted with emotional intelligence, passion for our mission and answers regarding all aspects of the program.

Mon - Fri: 9.00 A.M - 5.00 P.M (PST)

+1 (844) 992-7325

Break Method® is a data-analytics approach to rapid emotional repatterning. This approach follows an intentional structure used to prevent client self-deception and uncover the root cause of behavior and chaotic cycles. We work with individuals, couples, family systems and train mental health professionals worldwide.

Mon - Fri: 9.00 A.M - 5.00 P.M (PST)

+1 (844) 992-7325

© 2023-2024 Break Method. All rights reserved.

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